CLIA Categorizations

The FDA categorizes clinical laboratory tests by their complexity—from the least to the most complex: waived tests, moderate complexity tests, and high complexity tests.

CLIA categorization is determined after the FDA has cleared or approved a marketing submission, or upon request for legally marketed devices, as described in the FDA guidance Administrative Procedures for CLIA Categorization. Tests that are waived by regulation under 42 CFR 493.15(c), or cleared or approved for home use, are categorized as waived. Otherwise, the FDA determines the test’s complexity by reviewing the package insert test instructions, and using a criteria “scorecard” to categorize a test as moderate or high complexity (42 CFR 493.17). Each test is graded for level of complexity by assigning scores of 1, 2, or 3 for each of the seven criteria on the scorecard.

A score of 1 indicates the lowest level of complexity, and a score of 3 indicates the highest level. The scores for the 7 criteria are added together and tests with a score of 12 or less are categorized as moderate complexity, while those with a score above 12 are categorized as high complexity.

Following initial categorization, a manufacturer of a test categorized as moderate complexity may request categorization of the test as waived through a CLIA Waiver by Application (CW) submission to the FDA.

Note: Test systems that have not been CLIA categorized default to high complexity until they have been categorized (42 CFR 493.17).

What are the CLIA Categorization Criteria on the Scorecard?

1 - Knowledge

2 - Training and experience

3 - Reagents and materials preparation

4 - Characteristics of operational steps

5 - Calibration, quality control, and proficiency testing materials

6 - Test system troubleshooting and equipment maintenance

7 - Interpretation and judgment

Note: A score of 2 will be assigned to a criteria heading when the characteristics for a particular test are intermediate between the descriptions listed for scores of 1 and 3.

When Does a Test Receive a CLIA Categorization?

Test systems receive an initial CLIA categorization from the FDA after the test system is cleared/approved/licensed/granted following review of a marketing submission. A test system manufacturer may also submit a standalone request for categorization for legally marketed tests that do not have a marketing submission, such as those that are Class I or Class II 510(k)-exempt. Within FDA, CLIA categorization is conducted by the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH).

The FDA tracks CLIA categorizations through CLIA Record (CR) submissions.

There are two types of CRs: